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Sermon Resources
Exclusive Resources From:
As It Is In Heaven
This four-week series examines Jesus’s definition of the kingdom of God, and what these principles mean for believers today. As “people of the kingdom,” we must acknowledge God’s sovereignty over our lives, live with hope for the future, and align our wills to his reign.
Proverbs: Fool-Proofing Your Life
In this six-week study, the book’s themes of wisdom and folly are explored, with specific touchpoints for both students and adults. How can followers of Jesus build their lives on a foundation of wisdom? What does the book of Proverbs say about how we live our daily life? 
The Judges
This six-week sermon series guide looks at the judges of Israel who oversaw the nation between Joshua’s death and the establishment of the monarchy. With each week’s message focusing on a thematic deliverer story, this series explores the character traits of the judges and God’s faithfulness to use his people then and now for victory.
Chapter 2: What Comes After Salvation
This three-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push, as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. 
Doctrine (The Pastoral Epistles)
This four-week series explores how 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus address false teaching and the cultivation of good doctrine within the church. These epistles provide a framework for evaluating theological disputes—their significance, when to avoid them, and how to discern the right way to respond.
The Way
This creative and inspiring four-week teaching series charts a biblical path toward finding personal direction and spiritual wholeness. Walking in the way of the Lord is practically accessible for all believers, and this guide will stir up hope for people seeking God’s guidance in every area life.
Amos: Let Justice Roll
This six-week series walks through the book of Amos, focusing on how our spiritual walk with God affects our pursuit of righteous justice. 
The Stories of Christmas
This four-week series examines the many stories surrounding the narrative of Jesus’s birth, as well as our call to worship him and love others. By understanding the Father’s generous heart in offering Jesus to us, we can celebrate the joy of the season by giving back to God and to those around us.
In Defense of Jesus
This bundle is a condensed version of Lee Strobel’s In Defense of Jesus: Investigating Attacks on the Identity of Christ. It has been compiled and created by the Ministry Pass team from the book’s content, as well as from other sources. This is a 5-week series.
Words from the Cross
This five-week series examines Jesus’s words from the cross. These “last words” communicate the good news of what he has done for us in his self-emptying life and provide an example for believers in how to live out the Christian journey.
This four-week series addresses seasons when God seems silent or far away. What are Christians supposed to do during a dark night of the soul?
Spiritual Habits
This four-week series guide explores four spiritual disciplines: Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and Christ-centered community. This series emphasizes the clear application of biblical truths so that your congregation can confidently put into practice the key ideas of each week’s message.
Illustration Resources
Discipleship - Sermon Illustration
Five Sermon Illustrations on the topic of Discipleship. Use these during your next sermon on the subject.
Prayer - Sermon Illustration
Five Sermon Illustrations on the topic of prayer. Use these during your next sermon on the subject.
Family & Relationships - Sermon Illustration
Five Sermon Illustrations on the topic of family & relationships. Use these during your next sermon on the subject.
The Bible - Sermon Illustration
Five Sermon Illustrations on the topic of the bible. Use these during your next sermon on the subject.
Purpose - Sermon Illustration
Five sermon illustrations on the topic of purpose. Use these in your next sermon on the topic.
Identity - Sermon Illustration
Five Sermon Illustrations on the topic of identity. Use these during your next sermon on the subject.
Events and Announcement Graphics
Black History Month
Use this media bundle to celebrate Black History Month with your congregation.
Use this bundle while your congregation partakes in communion.
Invite a Friend
Use this media bundle to encourage your congregation to invite their friends to church.
New Year’s Eve Service
Use this bundle to promote your New Year’s Eve Service.
No Mid-Week Service
Use this bundle to announce a change in your regular mid-week service during the holidays.
Welcome To Church
Use this media bundle to welcome people to church.
Valentine’s Banquet
Use this media bundle to promote your Valentine’s Banquet.
Welcome To Church
Use this media bundle to welcome people to church.
Baptism Sunday
Use this bundle for your next Baptism Sunday.
Good Friday Service
Use this bundle to promote your church’s Good Friday Service.
Join a Group
Use this bundle to encourage your congregation to join a group.
Happy Mother's Day
Use this media bundle to wish your congregation a “Happy Mother’s Day!”
Night of Worship
Use this bundle to promote your next worship night.
Softball Signup
Use this media bundle to promote your congregation’s softball team!
Block Party
A bundle to help promote your next block party.
Here Are A Few Of The Benefits and Features that will Help Your Ministry Grow and Save You a TON of time.
  • Elevate your preaching with stunning graphics for your sermons.
  • Boost your ministry communications with pre-made graphics.
  • Connect with your congregation online using the social media graphics.
  • Customize to fit your community using Photoshop files provided in every download.
  • Get ahead using our sermon guides that come with every series
  • Freedom to focus on the most important things in your ministry.
  • SAVE with this one time offer from
"I want to thank you guys for the huge impact you're having on our ministry." 
- John Buckner

"There is great content in the messages, top quality graphics, and easy to modify calendars."

- James Rios
"Ministry Pass is an extremly good resource to have in your back pocket...they will save you a lot of time."
- Josh Gosney
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